Monday, 22 June 2009

Television user and Internet

An audience are a group of individuals who consume media content. There are different types of audiences, in this case a TV consumer and an Internet user. Both types of audiences consume the media, however they're both done differently. Tv is consumed passively by the user however the internet isn't consumed passively. The internet infact is very actively used as there are numerous ways in which the internet can be consumed. It has different ways to communicate with different people from across the globe. In a nutshell it is a many - to - many communication. but also you can have a one - to - one and one - to - many communications especially from social networking sites such as Facebook.

In this context of being active by consuming the media, people can view other user created content and can in adittion comment and rate on the content, they themselves can make user created content to share with the world if they choose, in this context the internet isn't consumed like television is, it's more active. Television only really lets people view the content, however with the installment of Interactive television, the viewer can interact with what's being promoted, e.g. a car commercial may let people enter a competition of winnning one.

Therefore the internet is more active than the television is currently now.

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